<aside> ❤️ Thank you for your help!

Welcome to the Open Beta – Phase One!

These are our goals:

  1. Your projects sound at least very similar, if not exactly the same.
  2. Playing MIDI live feels more direct and less delayed.
  3. Collect crashes, bugs, and glitches while working on projects. Combining the new audio engine and the old Studio environment is unique and temporary. We don’t expect it to work perfectly yet.

Before you start! → Read the “How to test and feedback!” guides. → Read the “Be aware!” section. → **Download** the Beta Booster version matching your operating system and read the related installation guide.

Have fun! We are looking forward to your feedback! Your Audiotool Team


Release notes

How to test and feedback!

A/B Testing

<aside> 👂🏻 Compare how your project sounds in the old and new audio engines. (No unsaved possible! Only drafts or published tracks.)

  1. Make sure no Audiotool Booster is running.
  2. Open the project you want to test in the Studio. At the bottom, the Studio should NOT say “Booster”.
  3. Start the Beta Booster.
  4. In a new tab, open the same project in the Studio. At the bottom, the Studio SHOULD say “Booster”.

You can now switch between both tabs and start comparing.

Did something sound different in the new version?

Report a Sound Mismatch


MIDI Input Latency

<aside> 🎹 Test how it feels to play melodies and beats with a MIDI device.

  1. Check your OS-specific low latency guidelines.

  2. Make sure no Audiotool Booster is running.

  3. Start the Beta Booster.

  4. Select a small block size like 128 or 256.

    Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 16.34.06.png

  5. Open a new or any existing project in the Studio. At the bottom, the Studio should say “Booster”.

  6. Set up your MIDI device as you are used to in the Studio. Learn how.

  7. Try playing any device while playing back the track or loop.

How was your experience?

Feedback MIDI Input Latency


Found a different bug

<aside> 🪲 Did something unexpected happen that is not just a difference in sound while using the new audio engine?

Some crashes result from a communication error between the current Studio and the new Booster. Given the temporary nature of this combination, we won't put a high priority on fixing these. If the crash you found belongs in that category, we'll let you know

File a Bug Report


Be aware!

<aside> <img src="/icons/error_red.svg" alt="/icons/error_red.svg" width="40px" /> Set your system/output device to 44.1kHz sample rate

The booster currently only supports a sample rate of 44.1kHz. On Windows and Linux you must set your output device’s sample rate to 44.1kHz.

See the OS-specific sections to learn how.


<aside> <img src="/icons/error_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/error_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Using many samples?

Wait a minute until all samples are loaded. There is no loading bar, yet.


<aside> <img src="/icons/headphones_gray.svg" alt="/icons/headphones_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Changes we won’t fix

We’ve improved on a few things intentionally, and don’t plan on making them match. Let us know if you have a project in which the changes cause big issues.

<aside> <img src="/icons/bug_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bug_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Known issues

The following issues are caused by the specific combination of the new Audio Engine and current Studio and will be addressed with the relaunch.